Friday, February 29, 2008

One More From Kristie

One last word before I turn this off and pack it should see these emts crammed in this little room with Harry, who can't stand or walk by himself. It's downright silly. He's doing great and it's nice to see him interacting with some regular guys. Talk to you again soon.

Great News

The ambulance is here and the nurse is taking all of his IVs out of his feet and getting his last set of vitals. They should be loading him up and transporting him to Henderson in a few minutes. I'll be following close behind, Nan is on her way to pick me and all of our stuff up. I've got to close the laptop and pack up to go so that's all the news for now. I'll update again once we get him settled in his new room. Prayers for safe and comfortable travel along the way.

To Transfer or Not to Transfer

Just spoke with Joyce, our patient resource manager & the one overseeing our transfer to Maria Parham. Still waiting for insurance...the hold up is that they have a record of Harry coming to ER but no record of his 8 day stay and being in need of "acute care". Therefore, they can't okay a secondary phase. They are working hard to even get a verbal okay so we can move ahead. Insurance companies aren't usually open on weekends so if we can't move tonight it looks like we'll be here until Mon. (oooh nooo). Also, just found out that the ambulance has been asked to come at 5pm (that's their earliest next availability) and Maria Parham has agreed to let him in later than they wanted, all of that just to say we don't know. I'll just post an update when we know we are moving so people know where to find us.

Update From Kristie 2:20 pm

We are counting down the next ten minutes to find out our fate...Either we move to Maria Parham or we stay here another night. If the insurance company doesn't come through by 2:30pm then we reschedule departure for tomorrow.....Only 5 minutes left...the nurse has removed his catheter so he'll be ready just in case...I've packed us up.....4 more minutes.....He's sitting up in his chair resting from his big walk (second one today) down the hall....Okay, 3 minutes and counting....Harry just relayed the information that he'll probably be brought back here to Duke in about 2 weeks to have the plate(s) in his left hand....2 more minutes and still no word yet (is this enough drama? do you feel like you're watching a reality show on TV? The results....right after this commercial break....[music plays too loud and too intensely!].....We'll let you know what we find out.....Stay tuned....

Friday - Mid Afternoon

Just spoke with the Patient Resource person...UPDATE: PT and OT want to move Harry to Maria Parham for acute rehab. They have a bed available for him but we are waiting to hear from our insurance. Apparently, there is a 3 step process. Steps 1 and 2 were completed yesterday and we're hangin on for step 3. Maria Parham wants him by 4 so we'd have to leave Duke no later than 3pm. An ambulance and other details are being arranged now (and can be canceled later if nec). Hopefully, all will come together at the right time and we'll be moving.

If not, we'll just start the process over again for tomorrow. No real big deal.

Early Friday Morning - from Kristie

Our Dr. just left the room. He told us that Harry is doing well. No one seems to be concerned about the flow murmur in his heart...they want him to follow up with his general doc at home.

Physical Therapy is really pushing for Harry to be transported via ambulance to a rehab center instead of being stuffed in a car and taken home. We're basically just waiting for an available bed at Maria Parham. I don't know yet if they've secured one for him or not. We'll find out more as the day goes on. As soon as I know when they plan to move him I'll let everyone know.

PayPal Info

I've been asked by several people how they can give and to please post directions on the website. So, humbly and gratefully I do so. Our dear friends have set up a Pay Pal account. All gifts go through a church (The Carpenter's Shop) so it is tax deductible. I believe all you have to do is email Shelley from the site ( and she'll get all the detailed info to you. If there is more to it than that I'll post a correction tomorrow.

Thank you to all of our friends and family. Please remember, not all gifts look the same. Caring for my children (& helping with their schooling), transportation, food, prayer, kind words, visits, fielding calls, relief at the hospital, extending kindness to my children or inviting them somewhere to take their minds off of things, etc. are all valuable gifts to me and my family. I know those things don't "pay the bills" but I firmly believe that God will take FULL care of us either through you or another way. I just don't want any of our friends or family who aren't in a position to give monetarily to feel like their efforts and concern are less than those of others. All of your kindnesses are appreciated. We love you all and value your friendship more than you may know.

Many of you have called or emailed to inquire as to how we (me and the kids) are doing. My wonderful mother, Nan, has completely rescued my whole family by practically moving in this last week to care for everyone and hold down the fort while I'm gone. She didn't have time to pack a bag but she hasn't let that get her down. She presses on taking care of business both with Curves and the house. I can't thank her enough. Braelyn is strong and practical. She seems to be doing pretty well. I miss her desperately and can't wait to be close to her again. McKenzie seems to be taking things a little harder. He's more emotional and not quite as sure of things right now. I wish I were there to pull him into my lap and reassure him. I'm sure that once we come home and McK can see Daddy improving for himself he'll feel better and probably get back to "normal". Ta'Ray is in it with us to the end. She's at that awesome age where she can really step in in my absence. She's able to snuggle the kids, help with chores, come to visit and even rub my shoulders just when I need it (she's studying massage therapy, ya know)

I am doing pretty well....running on fumes and hospital food (except for the most excellent food that Jimmy & Bev have managed to smuggle in). My body is tired and my emotions feel raw but I'm not discouraged. I love my family and the way we operate together. Life isn't always fun but we are in it together and that makes such a difference. We know who God is...especially Braelyn and her belief is humbling. She's so inspiring to me the way she just determines to do what is best. I love that about her. We know that God will provide for us. The amazing thing is the peace I've had about this whole situation. I guess I "should" be panicked or scared or crying or something....but I really can't (unless I think about the ridiculous chair that I'm supposed to be "reclining" in next to Harry's hospital bed). I just see so many blessings that can and, I believe, will come from this. At the very least, our kids (all 3 of them) will have a practical example of how we, as people of faith, respond in challenging and unsure times. Sure, everything around us is changing but our god NEVER does. What a gift that is. We never would have volunteered for this experience but we have so much to gain if we choose to embrace it. I guess I just see this whole thing as a way for God to take us further and deeper than he ever has. I am so looking forward to what's on the other side for us....all of us. And I see all of you as part of the blessing he has planned for us. So, again, thank you for all you've done and will do. We love you.

Sincerely, Kristie and Family

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Update from Kristie, Thursday afternoon

As you know, last night was rough. He took medication to block some of the narcotics and it heated him up internally. He got really scared and his heart rate increased rapidly. Alarms went off and our room filled up with nurses and a doctor. What? No one brought balloons? I sat faithfully by his side and watched his numbers for oxygen and heart rate go up and down just monitoring to make sure they stayed within a safe range. Finally, about 3:00am or so I got the okay from the doc that he didn't have to be watched so fervently. Aaah, my humble pallet on the floor never felt so great.

Harry walked today!!! Twice in the hallway outside of his room. He's moving his knee better so getting up and down is more realistic and less painful...this is definitely progress where we come from.

He also is working on grasping things with his hand(s) as possible. We've even adapted plastic utensils so that they are thick enough for his swollen fingers. Since surgery his arm casts have been reduced and no longer go all the way up to his shoulders. With his elbows able to bend a whole new world has opened up. In a little while we'll test out our new "James Bond" gadgets!

We're gonna try hard to get some rest. Thanks again for the outpouring of concern and support. I'll write again when I feel good about trying to form sentences again.

Update 1:30 a.m.

We find ourselves in an interesting situation. Harry's pain level requires large doses of medicine. However, he becomes so affected by the medication that his oxygen levels drop below what's safe. That means that if he takes the meds we can't let him sleep (that would explain why I'm writing an update at 1:30am) and if we lower his amount of meds he can't sleep because of pain (that would explain why he hasn't slept since yesterday)

His body has significantly less blood (clinically speaking) in it than it did when he arrived. The lower blood levels would also help explain why he's struggling with appropriate oxygen levels - even while he's hooked up to the oxygen machine.

I am sitting in a chair beside his bed watching the numbers on a Pulse Oximeter. As his rate drops from the safe 90's into the 80's, I speak to him to breath deeply trying to bring the numbers before the alarm sounds. He slips into the 80's every few minutes. I hate disturbing him but there is no alternative.

About his rehab...I'm so proud of his ability to push himself safely. He is not satisfied to do the least he makes himself push through the intense pain to exceed everyone's expectations. But he's not being a martyr or even being unwise. He's struck the perfect balance and his mobility is proving it. Everyone is impressed with his ability to get up, move around (he "walked" around the room today) and even sit up for hours at a time. Tomorrow they fully expect him to walk out in the hallway. It's time for the double robe (one in front and one 'round back) Can't wait.

Tomorrow we hope to hear results from the EKG and maybe also about going to an acute rehab facility. I'll let you know what I'm able to find out.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Latest Update from Kristie

PT is here now and is very impressed by the progress he's making in his knee. He's able to bend and straighten that knee without seriously intense or disabling pain. He's about to stand with the help of his therapist and the assistance of a modified walker (he can't bear ANY weight on his arms at all at this point). He's going to sit in the special chair for a few hours. Later today an occupational therapist will come by and discuss everyday activities and what he'll be able to expect to do and what point in the future. He'll be exhausted by the end of today and hopefully he'll be able to sleep some. (I'm about to give him another bird bath -while he's propped up- so maybe the warm soap and water will help him relax, too.)

More News from Kristie

Harry is fighting some depression today. He knows it will be a long road to recovery but he also feels a little defeated since the pain and immobility is greater today. He's trying not to give into the feelings of being overwhelmed and frustrated. We're trying to keep him entertained but mostly he's just not "in the mood".

His work responsibilities are also weighing on him. I think he's restless, and Jimmy is right, he may go crazy if he can't get involved at some point over these next several weeks/months. He's expressing great concern for his clients and their projects. I think he's feeling like he's let EVERYONE (family, friends, colleagues and clients) down and would love to be able to spring back and make things right again. He also knows that not only his family, but also The Chalmers, depend on the income that comes from their work together. Just another thanks to everyone for the visits, cards, etc. I think it helps to know he's got friends and family who are praying and are concerned about him.

Another Update From Kristie

An EKG was ordered after a cardio doc came in to examine Harry. They've brought a portable machine into the room and have finished. We won't know any findings until "later" -whenever that is. We'll let everyone know asap. -Kristie

Additional Update from Kristie - More Prayer

Yesterday, an irregularity was found in Harry's heart. Apparently, after 2 different sets of x-rays it appears to be a benign heart "flow murmur". My best understanding is that it only means that his heart is pumping large amounts of blood very intensely. It's probably nothing but they are bringing up docs from cardio just to check him out. After all, it is his heart and we want that to be working properly! We'll keep you posted. Thanks for your prayers.

Today's Update from Kristie

Harry's double wrist surgery took about 8-81/2 hours yesterday. He returned in a lot of pain and general discomfort but in good spirits overall. He was excited about getting the operation over and being able to move into the "recovery" phase. The doctors have visited us this morning and explained the procedure: they placed a metal plate on the top (inside) of his left hand and a metal plate on the bottom (inside) of his right hand. The plate will have to be removed from the left hand sometime later. GOOD NEWS: there doesn't seem to be any serious nerve damage and he should be able to regain "full" use of his left wrist/hand. LESS GOOD NEWS: He may not be able to do all of the same things he could before with that left wrist and his chances of developing arthritis have increased exponentially. He's also expected to live with a certain measure of "permanent" pain.

MORE GOOD NEWS: The mobility in his leg is increasing beautifully. Harry is so strong and determined. He works very hard and pushes through the pain to make progress.

A knock at the door just brought more news....They are now saying that they want him to be transferred to an acute rehab facility. Since we live in Henderson they are looking into Maria Parham. We won't know anything for sure until at least later this afternoon. The Physical Therapist will come by about 1:30pm to work with him and they along with the Occupational Therapist will consult and give an update to the doctors about Harry's condition and ability to be moved to another facility (or home based on availability, insurance, necessity, etc.)

The pain and normal hospital interruptions have effectively prevented any sleep for him. We're thankful that he's finally gotten some stronger pain meds. He is trying hard to sleep some now. Suddenly, I feel more like a bouncer than a nurse....Keeping vigilant watch at the door and turning every caller away to protect the little rest he may finally find.

I'll update again later as we have more to report. Thanks again for everyone's support and concern.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Update from Kristie 3:10p.m.

Harry has been taken to surgery. It's expected to take between 4 and 5 hours. They hope to complete operations on both wrists. If, however, it begins to take too long they will stop and reschedule an additional surgery for the second wrist at a later date. We don't really know what that means yet.

Also, the idea of Harry being moved to a residential facility to receive physical therapy has been all but abandoned. Not that it wouldn't be best for him...everyone agrees it would be best. But, doctors are saying that at his age and present overall health (strong, young, no med conditions, etc.) there isn't an insurance company on planet earth that would approve a request like that from him.

The bad news, of course, is that life will be a little complicated as we do the necessary PT at home together...on our own. But the good news is that it's not a matter of life or death and we'll ultimately be fine. (just less convenient and we can get over that)

I want to sincerely thank each and every person who has called, come by, taken care of my children, prayed for us, offered your home or a ride, sent a card, flowers, food, balloons, well wishes or money, or even wanted to. The outpouring of friendship and generosity has been overwhelming. I always felt we had dear friends but I had no idea how loving and helpful or how many we had. I thank God for you and am sure that you are all a part of His plan to help us overcome this challenge. Thank you again on behalf of myself, Harry and our children.

I'll let you know how the surgery goes as soon as I know something. Thanks again.

The Latest

Harry is scheduled for his second surgery this afternoon around 3:00. Please continue to pray about his wrists and the damage to the left one. We hopefully, will know something more about the prognosis after today's surgery.

On the general front, he is sitting up and able to move his leg (no cast - medicine has come a long way!) As you can imagine though, not having the use of either arm is at the very least frustrating. Just think, he can't even scratch his nose or use a remote. His leg is hurting, the scars from that surgery beginning to heal (itch), and again he has no way of scratching.

Harry was in fairly good spirits when Jimmy went to the hospital yesterday. There were able to talk for a while and set out a game plan on how to finish up the lingering construction projects, so that was good.

Please continue to pray. Will post when we know something from the surgery.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Third email update ... (again personal contact information has been deleted).

Just a brief update... Harry is doing much better today; medications are regulated and he's lucid and coherent. He's been sitting up and stood up long enough for Kristie to give him a sponge bath. He still has two shoulder casts so things are bit challenging to say the least. As things stand now, he'll go back into surgery on Tuesday for the wrist repairs. Please continue to pray about the left wrist especially.
After surgery, they are saying he'll be in the hospital til the weekend and then be transferred to a rehab facility for about a week. No further details on that. We'll keep you posted.
We have now set up a church PayPal account to receive funds that way as well as by check or cash. We are continuing to collect monies to be given to the Polk family for their living expenses during the upcoming weeks and months. The PayPal email address is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX if anyone wishes to contribute that way.
Harry's still in room XXXX at Duke Hospital. If anyone is heading up to see him, please give Kristie a call prior to leaving our area to see if she needs anything from home or otherwise. Her cell number is xxx-xxx-xxxx.
Thank you all for your continued prayers.
More updates to follow.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Update #2

The second email update ... (Harry's room number has been deleted, if you are interested in receiving this information, please post accordingly. Thanks!)

Not much new to report this morning. They are stilling awaiting word from the surgeon on how things will progress with the wrist reconstruction. As soon as we know anything, I'll forward the information. As of right now he is in room XXXX at Duke, again could change with further surgeries, etc.
Jimmy and I have set up a Harry Recovery Fund through the Carpenter's Shop for donations to the Polk family. Harry has medical insurance (Praise God!), however, being a small company, he did not carry any disability. Therefore, the daily expenses of living go on, with no coverage. We had several inquiries yesterday, so that's probably the best way to handle monetary donations at the moment. If any of you would like to donate, please make checks payable to The Carpenter's Shop and we will disburse them as they come in. 100% of all donations will go directly to the Polks to help in whatever way they see fit (gas, food, etc.)
This is just the beginning of a long process, so please continue to pray.
I'll send updates as I receive them.

Friday, February 22, 2008

How We Find Ourselves Needing A Recovery Blog

This is the email that I sent out to our church family and friends with the details of how we have come to need a recovery blog...

Wanted to update you on an ongoing situation. Yesterday evening as Jimmy and Harry were finishing up on their project for the evening, Harry slipped while on the roof and fell to the ground some 14+ feet. EMT's transported him immediately to Duke Hospital where he underwent surgery to fix the femur in his left leg. Additionally both of his wrists are broken with the prognosis of the left one being uncertain at this time. He will undergo further surgery in the coming weeks to repair both wrists and we'll know more about the extent of the permanent damage at that point. A major praise is that there appears to be no spinal damage, no damage to his internal organs or head and the surgeon said last night after putting his leg back together that it will be fine. We do have a few requests for prayer ...
1) Continued healing, wisdom for the doctors as they attempt reconstructive surgery on the left wrist especially.
2) Pain control. Anyone who has ever either fallen, or had a broken bone, knows the level of discomfort/pain can be difficult to handle not only at the beginning but in the weeks to come.
3) Jimmy. Please pray for wisdom as he attempts to move forward on several construction projects without Harry. Jimmy is left to finish the projects so that income will continue to flow into the Polk home (Harry had no disability insurance).
4) Kristie and the kids. Recovery will be long and difficult on everyone involved. Please pray for them as the healing path unwinds. As one who has had a husband with two broken wrists (fully casted to the shoulders), I know very well the joys and trials that await them. Prayer and patience will see them through, but it is not an easy time to put it mildly.
I'll keep you all updated as the days progress.
Thank you for your prayers! I look forward to watching God's hand continue to unfold in this situation and make something amazing out of what now looks like chaos.