Friday, February 29, 2008

PayPal Info

I've been asked by several people how they can give and to please post directions on the website. So, humbly and gratefully I do so. Our dear friends have set up a Pay Pal account. All gifts go through a church (The Carpenter's Shop) so it is tax deductible. I believe all you have to do is email Shelley from the site ( and she'll get all the detailed info to you. If there is more to it than that I'll post a correction tomorrow.

Thank you to all of our friends and family. Please remember, not all gifts look the same. Caring for my children (& helping with their schooling), transportation, food, prayer, kind words, visits, fielding calls, relief at the hospital, extending kindness to my children or inviting them somewhere to take their minds off of things, etc. are all valuable gifts to me and my family. I know those things don't "pay the bills" but I firmly believe that God will take FULL care of us either through you or another way. I just don't want any of our friends or family who aren't in a position to give monetarily to feel like their efforts and concern are less than those of others. All of your kindnesses are appreciated. We love you all and value your friendship more than you may know.

Many of you have called or emailed to inquire as to how we (me and the kids) are doing. My wonderful mother, Nan, has completely rescued my whole family by practically moving in this last week to care for everyone and hold down the fort while I'm gone. She didn't have time to pack a bag but she hasn't let that get her down. She presses on taking care of business both with Curves and the house. I can't thank her enough. Braelyn is strong and practical. She seems to be doing pretty well. I miss her desperately and can't wait to be close to her again. McKenzie seems to be taking things a little harder. He's more emotional and not quite as sure of things right now. I wish I were there to pull him into my lap and reassure him. I'm sure that once we come home and McK can see Daddy improving for himself he'll feel better and probably get back to "normal". Ta'Ray is in it with us to the end. She's at that awesome age where she can really step in in my absence. She's able to snuggle the kids, help with chores, come to visit and even rub my shoulders just when I need it (she's studying massage therapy, ya know)

I am doing pretty well....running on fumes and hospital food (except for the most excellent food that Jimmy & Bev have managed to smuggle in). My body is tired and my emotions feel raw but I'm not discouraged. I love my family and the way we operate together. Life isn't always fun but we are in it together and that makes such a difference. We know who God is...especially Braelyn and her belief is humbling. She's so inspiring to me the way she just determines to do what is best. I love that about her. We know that God will provide for us. The amazing thing is the peace I've had about this whole situation. I guess I "should" be panicked or scared or crying or something....but I really can't (unless I think about the ridiculous chair that I'm supposed to be "reclining" in next to Harry's hospital bed). I just see so many blessings that can and, I believe, will come from this. At the very least, our kids (all 3 of them) will have a practical example of how we, as people of faith, respond in challenging and unsure times. Sure, everything around us is changing but our god NEVER does. What a gift that is. We never would have volunteered for this experience but we have so much to gain if we choose to embrace it. I guess I just see this whole thing as a way for God to take us further and deeper than he ever has. I am so looking forward to what's on the other side for us....all of us. And I see all of you as part of the blessing he has planned for us. So, again, thank you for all you've done and will do. We love you.

Sincerely, Kristie and Family

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