Sunday, March 16, 2008

March 14th Update

Today was Harry's second Sunday at church. It was nice to see all of our friends there. I'm glad for Harry, too, that he got to see everyone so excited to see him again and tell him how good he's looking, etc. He is looking good. His recovery is coming along but he's still in so much pain. I wish I could take that away for him. He's got good pain meds but the pain never stops so it just goes from strong to dull. Then, as soon as the dose wears off, it's strong again.

Right now, he's got tiny pins trying to come through his skin. The really bizarre thing is that the doctors just said if they poke all the way through we need to put neosporin on it. That's too weird to be normal in my opinion....but I'm not a doctor. Anyway, it's no wonder he's in so much pain. He's also being very careful NOT to take the medicine anytime he can....he doesn't want to become addicted. (so much to worry about).

Harry's Mom, Sally, has been here with us for the past week. She just left this morning. She was a great blessing: taking Harry to his doctor appointments, physical therapy appointments, helping to run errands and get caught up on stuff in the house. She was also able to help out financially. I think, now that she's gone, things are really beginning to set in for me - emotionally.

Since the beginning (Feb 21), I've been so focused on comforting the kids and Harry. And, now, the reality is sinking in that, practically speaking, the things we shared before will fall on me. I'm not sure how I'll become all things to all people but I'm sure God will get me through that, too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not feeling sorry for myself. In fact, I'm already liking my new found courage. I'm just also feeling the weight of what this situation will really require. I've been making a few changes around the house/yard to make it easier for the kids and I to do the necessary chores, etc. I've cut down some tree branches, handled some tools and parts (or whatever) that Harry had been going through from his shed, cleaned up some of the yard stuff and construction debris that he had on the side of the house. It was heavy and Ta'Ray and I were tired but we were also proud of the work we had done.

Hopefully, I'll have lots of other success stories to tell over the next several months. Right now I'm gonna go spend some time with the kiddos.....sorry for the abrupt ending but they are waiting for me.

Thanks again for all of the help and support. Sincerely, Kristie (and Family)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Harry's Doctors Appointment

Harry's Mom, Sally, flew in on Sunday afternoon to see her son and to help out with his recovery and allow me to get back to work. He had his first follow up doctor visit at Duke on Monday. They took the casts off of his wrists - it turns out regardless of the weight and the plaster, they weren't "casts" after all. They were splints. Well, whatever they were, they are gone now. I got to see his arm unwrapped for the first time since Feb. 21. I know this sounds completely dumb but I never thought about scars on his arms. I did on his leg - but not his hands and arms. I only saw his right hand/arm. He has about a 2" long scar down the center of his hand - picture closing your hand like a sandwhich parellel with your forearm...that crease in the middle of his hand is where they made an incision. He has another larger one down the forearm. They just removed his stitches so right now it has that "Frankenstein" look of a center line and holes on either side. The marker the surgeon's used is still on his skin, too. They've wrapped both arms in gauze and now he wears black supportive braces that velcro up the forearm and cover most of his hands. It's so much lighter and easier to manuever. I'm sure that will assist him in getting his balance back as he continues practicing to walk.
More good news....I think earlier I reported that he would have to have surgery on both wrists in a couple of months. I just found out that he'll only need surgery on his left wrist. Evidently, the metal plate in his right wrist stays in. I did not know that.
He has therapy exercises that he can do now for his hands and arms...they are different for each arm because his injuries are different. He tried some last night and I could see how stiff and painful both hand/wrists were. It's amazing how quickly the body accepts it's current circumstances. That can be a great blessing but then when you are ready to rehabilitate it also can be a rough beginning until it recognizes that you are changing it's state once again.
He can get his arms damp now which means he can begin to take more freezing while I bathe him and rinse him with a cloth as he sits in a chair in the middle of a room. I'm sure he'll really miss that.
Tuesday, he goes to PT for his leg and Wednesday he goes to his post-op doctor appointment back at Duke. It's nice to have Sally to help with all of these appointments.
The kids and I are catching up on homeschool and I'm able to get back to work. I don't think I ever posted it but while Harry and I were at Duke I received a phone message (at Midnight) from the Oxford Police Dept. saying that there was an emergency having to do with my gym there and to please return the call right away. Well, I had my phone ringer off, so it didn't wake Harry, and I didn't get the message until early the next morning. I called Diane (my partner) right away to see if she had already spoken with them. She had and she was able to tell me the details.
Evidently, a car was speeding down the main road right in front of my store and the driver decided to pass the car it was quickly approaching. When it did, the speeding car lost control and ran into a large, metal city trash can hurling it into my (floor to ceiling) glass windows. It then proceeded into the tree directly in front of my store....and it hit the next tree a couple of store fronts down. Wow! (Okay, have my complete and undivided attention.) Whoever said when it rains it pours was a genius and we should have really listened better to his warning!
Anyway, Diane had actually gone to the scene that night and was able (with my Grandy's help) to get some plywood covering the windows. We have insurance and all of that but I feel like I need a secretary just to deal with all the paperwork we are generating...between medical, prescription and business insurances I'm beginning to feel just a wee bit overwhelmed. But I must say that God has also put such wonderful people in my life and they are all helping in so many ways.
Still, every so often I find myself wanting to shout..."Calgon, Take me away"......

What's Up With Harry on March 9th

Well, Harry's been home for about a day and half. He's been sitting in his (a borrowed) recliner a lot and I think likes being back where the action is. I found a special table a lot like the rolling tray table at the hospital and a couple of bins to hold all of his medicines and other things he needs to have near him. He's got quite a set up.

Last week he set a goal to be in church this Sunday and he made it. We took a cake that said "Welcome Home Harry" to include our Sunday school class in his victories - they've been so supportive. Another dear friend brought a wheel chair over on Saturday for him to use at church. McKenzie did most of the driving since Harry can't use his hands. I think we only ran into 1 or 2 doorways :) Pretty good for a new driver.
It was good for Harry to see his friends at church and remember that life is being lived outside of medical facilities.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Big Day

Today was the day we've been waiting for. HARRY CAME HOME!!! We borrowed a van from our sweet neighbors so Harry wouldn't have to jump up into our Suburban or bend too low to get into my Mom's Saturn. The van fit all 6 of us and his big customized walker perfectly. We were quite a sight picking him up but the smile on his face when he saw me, Braelyn, McKenzie, Ta'Ray, and Nan walk-in was worth it. (Wait 'til he sees the "Team Polk" shirts we've made for us to wear to church on Sunday!)

He's moving well. He's very sore, the pain is kicking in (we're still waiting for the prescriptions to get ready) and he says it's colder here than at the hospital but even so, he's really happy to be home. It's so nice, as the mom I guess, to have all of my family back under the same roof. I'm able to relax in a way that I couldn't when I felt we were all spread out and anchored to different places. Now, life is beginning to feel like "normal" - of course at the Polk house we're not real sure what that means.

We picked up some cheap, but warm, clothes for Harry. We have to cut the sleeves off of the hoodies to make room for his casts. He stays cold because of the blood thinner that he has to take (to prevent blood clots). Also, soft, loose house pants are a must because one of his incisions are right where the waist band of pants would fall. Plus they help keep him warm. Who knows...maybe his progressive fashion will catch on and we'll see this style being sported all over town.

Well, it's time to go out again and get that pain med for Harry. He'll be even happier when I get back. I'll try to fill you in on the rest sometime today....Harry keeps me running and now that we're home there's so much to catch up on between the kids, work and the house so if you don't hear from me right away you'll know why. Love to you all, Kristie

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Update on Harry March 5th

Such Big News and yet I'm too tired to go into great detail...just wanted everyone to know that Harry walked today WITHOUT his walker! So proud of him...he's like superman (obviously without the cape or we wouldn't be in this But nothing keeps him down long. Incredibly strong in body and wonder I married him....and I'd do it again. Thanks to all you for your huge support and encouraging words to and about him. No doubt that was part of his motivation - doesn't want to let his great friends down. We love ya'll so much and so appreciate all you do. Ya know how scripture describes the "body of Christ" and how each of us is like a different part of the body but when we work together we act as whole? Well, that's what this has been like for us. Each of you has filled a different but very specific need and it's been amazing. As soon as I can get home and back on track...even just a little, I'm mailing out thank you cards to all of you. You're just wonderful.

More good news ...
A recliner and a wheelchair have been provided. Thanks to all of you who offered.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Kristie sent me some photos today and I'll get them on the blog just as soon as possible. Here's the first ...

More to come.

Update - March 4th

Harry had another good day yesterday! It was his first day of full physical therapy and he did great. He was really tired at the end of the day...I think that felt good to him though.

After talking with the PT and OT we've realized a couple needs. Harry will need a recliner (for a few months) and a wheelchair (for a few weeks or so). We'd like to borrow these instead of making purchases as we'll only need them very temporarily. If you have one that can be loaned, or know someone who could, please post a comment or feel free to email me directly at

Our new goal for Harry coming home is Friday. We're excited about having "Daddy" back and trying to get some normalcy back into our lives. We know that life won't be truly "normal" for quite awhile but all being home together...and back in our own a good start.

One of Harry's personal goals is to be back at church this Sunday. That's one reason for the wheelchair. The OT says that he needs to get out once he's back home. She agrees with those who know him well, he'll go crazy if he has to just sit around and feel like he's not useful.

Thanks again for everyone's support and care. You are all sooooo awesome and appreciate you dearly.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Update on Kristie - and Harry too

I left Harry's rehab room early this morning to go home and get ready for church. McKenzie (our 10 yr old son) came to the rehab center and took my place while I was gone. Today was emotional for me mostly because of Harry's sadness on Saturday. He just felt defeated and overwhelmed. I'm sure some of that was due to the medications and some was just because of this tough situation. He's been battling these feelings for several days and I felt like I was running out of strength for both of us

I wanted so badly to go to church where I could just rest...not catch up on neglected laundry and cleaning, plan for the upcoming week of school or even worry about what would be cooked for dinner. I really wanted to be refreshed and refilled...I'm feeling so tired and depleted. I didn't even have the energy to analyze my self-centeredness. I just embraced it and got even more excited about relaxing and being spoon fed a message of truth and hope.

Once at church I felt myself shrink from my usual outgoing self...I wanted to be there but I didn't want anyone to talk to me. I found myself looking away from familiar faces to avoid small talk. Nothing personal I just knew I couldn't handle questions or polite conversation. Then, I ran into a sweet couple - new friends - who inquired about Harry when they saw me alone. I realized they hadn't heard so I told the story...a quick version. And then, the question, "How are YOU doing?" The next thing I knew they were offering, with great sincerity, to help in any way we needed. They prayed for me and my family in the hallway. For a moment, I faded out of the circle of prayer and saw us as the body of Christ...operating the way we were meant to. God was smiling. I didn't feel like a burden...I think because they didn't take our problems on themselves they just joined with me and we ran directly back to the Lord. The only One who knows the whole story (beginning, middle and even the end). This certainly isn't the first time I've been prayed for and they weren't the first to genuinely care. The whole thing stood out to me though the way a familiar scripture suddenly breathes something brand new for the moment you are in.

I made my way to my Sunday school class after hiding at the end of the hallway to get a few tears out. My head and face were hurting from holding it all in. Just then my cell phone rang and it was a man from my class checking to see if I made it to church. He had arranged several generous meals for my family and wanted to know if I was picking them up or if he would need to drive them to our house - about an hour away. I let him know I was there, got myself together and walked into class. The lesson was fantastic and although it was relevant to my personal situation (the way that every song on the radio seems written for you right after a break up) it was also a great diversion. When it was over more friends came up to me to find out what they could do and how they could help. One man even encouraged me to receive graciously whatever help is offered. That was a "full-circle" moment for me because God has been saying that same thing to me over the past year or so. Who knew?

The point of all of this is to say that I left heavy and returned light. I've always thought that I have friends but this experience has really proven that my friends are truer and more dear than I ever knew. People have risen to meet every need. Not just the ones I mentioned in this update but all along. Schooling my kids (really well) in my absence, providing transportation, sending money, helping me restructure Harry's business so he can get back to "normal" earlier, prayer, prayer and more prayer, sitting up late at night with me,

On the way home from Raleigh, after church, my son called from Harry's room. I got to talk to Harry for a few minutes and he told what a great day it had been for him. He was able to eat chicken by himself and he felt he had more control over his hands. I could hear him smiling over the phone. He was happy. I haven't seen that side of my husband (and best friend) for several days and knowing that he was better today made me happy, too. I've been asking everyone to pray for Harry's well-being and seeing the fruit of it was incredible.

I just wanted to share with my friends how incredible God has been to us during this. He truly can make something out of nothing. And in one day he can turn big things around. One of the discussion questions in Sunday school was "Can God's word help us in hard times? How?". I almost burst into laughter but I managed to raise my hand instead. For me, God's word and more importantly, knowing him personally, is THE ONLY hope we have. If I thought that this whole situation was up to me this whole blog would read very differently. I've experienced that peace that passing all understanding. Even when I wasn't sure what I would find the ER that first night there was an calm and a security. If you don't know God personally you may not understand but it's like even if the situation was as bad as it could be I still knew that God had my best interest at heart and that he would sustain me and our children.

I don't want to take anything away from those of you who have given so generously...I am truly grateful for each gift and sacrifice you've made. I believe that God himself will repay you more than we ever could for your kindness to our family. I thank you all and am happy to report that my sweet husband is soundly sleeping and in less pain than he's been in since this happened. A few minutes ago he thanked me for taking such good care of him and asked me if I knew that I was his favorite person in the world. I am pleased, and honored, to say Yes. I do.

PS: I have pictures ready to email as soon as I can figure out how to attach them. :)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

PayPal Instructions from Shelley

Kristie asked that I post instructions on how to send money to Harry's Recovery Fund through the PayPal account we set up. It's very easy and secure.

1) Go to
2) If you don't have a paypal account, follow the instructions to set one up.
3) If you already have a paypal account, go to "send money".
4) The church's email address is .
5) Follow the instructions from there and you're done!

If anyone has any further questions about the process, please email Shelley at the above address.

Pictures to Come

Just wanted to let you know that I've been taking some pictures to sort of document this time in our family's life. Some of you may wonder why would we want to remember something like this...but good or bad it's making up a part of our life and depending on how we choose to handle it this could be one of our families most pivotal times. Anyway, as soon as I'm able to upload them I'll try to post some so that those of you too far to visit can get an idea of what Harry is busy overcoming.

Saturday Continued

Last nights move from Duke to Maria Parham (located in Henderson-5 min. from our house) was a great success. It seems we've arrived at the perfect time. Saturdays are light therapy days - only 1/2 day and then Sundays are off completely. Starting Monday morning the REAL work will begin.

It's been recommended by the therapists that I stay so I can assist him and so I can be trained to continue to assist him once we're home. I think he'll be here about a week.

Today, Harry walked some (with the Swedish Walker) and tried dressing himself (loose T-shirt and loose pj pants). He needed a lot of help but he did well for his first attempt. It was a little sad to see how little control or mobility he had with his left hand/wrist. I think it really got to him today. Later, we talked a little and I think he was reassured.

This evening, the kids came by and we all watched a movie in Harry's room. It was nice and felt kind of normal...which did us all some good. Tomorrow McKenzie is going to come by and sit with Harry so I can go to church. I'm really looking forward to it. It's nice to get out and back into "real life". But it's even better than home right now because home just reminds me of all of the stuff I'm behind on.

I feel really good about the boys spending some time together. I think it'll be really good for both of them. Harry misses the kids and McK sure could use some Daddy time.

I'm leaving pretty early in the morning, so I probably won't be able to write again until the afternoon or evening.

I know I keep writing Thank yous to everyone but I really mean it and just knowing that so many of our friends care so deeply is an incredible blessing. So....thank you....again! Goodnight.

PS: More blessings have come - in the form of food in our freezer and 5 post dated checks (to help in the coming months). What generous and incredibly thoughtful gifts. Thanks to all of you who are helping with immediate & practical needs. Blessings to you.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saturday Morning

Last night's move from Duke to Maria Parham (located in Henderson-5 min. from our house) was a great success. It seems we've arrived at the perfect time. Saturdays are light therapy days - only 1/2 day and then Sundays are off completely. Starting Monday morning he'll be doing about 3 hours (spread out over the day). About an hour and a half of occupational therapy (bathing, dressing, fine motor skills, etc) and the same for physical therapy (walking, sitting, bigger movements, etc). They seem very nice and knowledgable...which is a great combination.

The food is better here by far, another plus. The atmosphere is very different. Not that they "baby" patients in the hospital but in this rehab center their goal in definitely independence. They are on a schedule and are expected to be ready and on time for their appointments. Everyone is willing to help but it feels like the responsibility lies with the patient to get motivated. Great so far!

I spent the night last night (in an actual recliner...ooooh luxury compared to the floor) so help him get settled in. Also, because he arrived after their admission hours he couldn't be assessed until this morning so they wouldn't let him out of the bed. Literally, even to use the restroom. So, he felt more comfortable with a partner with him. The cool thing was the kids felt more comfortable with me staying with him, too, since it was his first night. McKenzie said" Oh, Mama, stay with him. I would want you to stay if it were me." That made leaving them again (for the 10th night) easier.

I'll write more in a little while.