Thursday, March 6, 2008

Update on Harry March 5th

Such Big News and yet I'm too tired to go into great detail...just wanted everyone to know that Harry walked today WITHOUT his walker! So proud of him...he's like superman (obviously without the cape or we wouldn't be in this But nothing keeps him down long. Incredibly strong in body and wonder I married him....and I'd do it again. Thanks to all you for your huge support and encouraging words to and about him. No doubt that was part of his motivation - doesn't want to let his great friends down. We love ya'll so much and so appreciate all you do. Ya know how scripture describes the "body of Christ" and how each of us is like a different part of the body but when we work together we act as whole? Well, that's what this has been like for us. Each of you has filled a different but very specific need and it's been amazing. As soon as I can get home and back on track...even just a little, I'm mailing out thank you cards to all of you. You're just wonderful.

More good news ...
A recliner and a wheelchair have been provided. Thanks to all of you who offered.

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